Punjab Catering & Gianni Pizza

20 Roundhay Road, Leeds LS7 1AB

Menu Punjab Catering Leeds

Our restaurant type at Punjab Catering is definitely Indian Takeaway. When you look at our signature dishes you will find some of the best meals India has to offer, and we hope you get to enjoy every single one of them. A good starter is the best way to enjoy any meal and with that in mind, we have quite a few for you to enjoy. Chicken Tikka and Pakoras are a wonderful way to try out for yourself the spices of our cuisine. While our samosas are just a great meal on their own that you'll come to love in no time. But for a full meal, there's a wide selection of traditional dishes, which include Masala, Bhuna, Dhansak and more. While the names might sound confusing at first the differences lie in the spices each dish uses, and those descriptions are clearly stated in our menu, so just choose your favourite spices. And if you are ever lost in what's a good choice then we always recommend our Piri Piri Chicken; it comes in various presentations so you can choose the right size, and when it comes to flavour it's unmatched.

About Punjab Catering Leeds

We are currently located in the Roundhay area, on Roundhay Road, Leeds; to be more specific we are currently located in 20 Roundhay Road Leeds LS7 1AB. This means we are functionally right in front of Ramgarhia Sikh Sports Centre, and even if you don’t know of it the large park will make sure you don’t miss it on the road. That said even if finding us is no issue you shouldn’t forget that we still are a takeaway, so both delivery and pick-up are available online through our site and official app, Punjab Catering, available both on Google Play and Apple's App Store.

Restaurant location Punjab Catering Leeds

The core of our service at Punjab Catering is being able to offer our clients the best food at their convenience. And that is a large part of why we have a major focus on takeaway food. Your satisfaction comes first, and we understand that to truly reach that you need both the best food and the best service. And sometimes the best service includes being able to order from the comfort of your home. Both our menu and practices are based around making sure our clients are as satisfied as possible and that's precisely why we hope you get to enjoy our food moving forward.

Punjab Catering & Gianni Pizza

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